Correlation of periprosthetic bone mineral density and skeletal bone mineral density values in patients with total hip arthroplasty
Journal Title: Palestrica Mileniului III - Civilizatie si Sport - Year 2014, Vol 15, Issue 1
[b]Background. [/b]The presence of periprosthetic osteoporosis influences the postoperative evolution of hip replacement patients, delays the functional rehabilitation process and considerably decreases the quality of life of these patients. [b]Aims. [/b]The aim of the study is to demonstrate the role of periprosthetic bone mineral density (BMD) and to correlate its values with skeletal (BMD) values. [b]Methods. [/b]The study was carried out at the Clinical Rehabilitation Hospital Cluj-Napoca in the period June-December 2009, on 58 patients aged between 30-83 years with uni- and bilateral cemented and uncemented total hip endoprostheses. For the determination of the bone mineral density, the dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) method was used, with the software for orthopedic prostheses available. [b]Results.[/b] Statistical data analysis demonstrated a direct correlation between periprosthetic (BMD) and skeletal bone mineral density values, without 100% overlapping, which requires the presence of reference values for periprosthetic areas. [b]Conclusions.[/b] Although it follows the tendency of skeletal (BMD), periprosthetic bone mineral density requires T scores specific for the periprosthetic Gruen zones.
Authors and Affiliations
Viorela Ciortea, Laszlo Irsay, Ileana Borda, Ioan Onac, Rodica Ungur
Principiile calităţii şi promovării educaţiei pentru sănătate, în raport cu activităţile fizice din învăţământul preuniversitar şi superior
Infrastructura în practicarea activităţilor sportive de timp liber
Quality principles and health educational promotions together with physical activities in pre-university and superior education
Clişee media vizând violenţa în sport
Corelaţia valorilor densităţii mineral osoase periprotetice cu densitatea mineral osoasă a întregului schelet la pacienţii cu artroplastie totală coxofemurală
[b]Premize. [/b]Prezenţa osteoporozei periprotetice influenţează evoluţia postoperatorie a pacienţilor endoprotezaţi, întârzie procesul de recuperare funcţională şi scade considerabil calitatea vieţii acestor pacienţi....