Correlation of Serum Cardiac Troponin-T with Chronic Kidney Disease

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 6


Aims and Objectives: Correlation of serum Cardiac Troponin-T with Chronic kidney disease patients. Material and Methods: The present study was undertaken at Maharana Bhupal Govt. Hospital, attached to R.N.T. Medical College Udaipur (Raj.).  Patients admitted with sign and symptoms due to deranged renal functions were stratified into stages of CKD according to guidelines of the National Kidney Foundation [Kidney Dialysis Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI)]  Methods of measurement of GFR: Cockroft-Gault formula  Clinical history was recorded including age, sex, weight, height, and primary renal diagnosis, and blood pressure, history of diabetic and smoking history.  Blood samples were collected in the non fasting state.  Descriptive statistical analysis was carried out in this study. Observation and Conclusion: In this study population, 100 patients of various stages of CKD (II to V) were included to evaluate level of cardiac Troponin-T in CKD. They were non-diabetic, and were not on dialysis with no history suggestive of adverse cardiac event. The mean age of patients was 42.93±13.43 years of which 69% patients were male and 39% patients were female. The mean of blood urea was 163.49±85.54 mg/dl (ranged 65-377 mg/dl). The mean of serum creatinine was 3.99±2.64mg/dl (ranged 1.42-12.7 mg/dl). Mean Cardiac troponin T level was found 0.082± 0.138 ng/ml among these patients. Troponin T found positive (level >0.1ng/ml) in only 25 (25%) patients, 36 patients were having Trop-T level <0.014 ng/ml and 38% (38) patients were having Trop T level between (0.014-0.1) ng/ml. Serum cardiac Troponin T differed between chronic kidney disease stages, being more commonly increased in the presence of more advanced chronic kidney disease and the difference is significant. According to this study all CKD patients should undergo for cardiac Troponin T level as these patients are definitely associated with raised level of cardiac troponin T showing increased chances of adverse cardiovascular event to occur in future.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr Nirali Salgiya


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How To Cite

Dr Nirali Salgiya (2017). Correlation of Serum Cardiac Troponin-T with Chronic Kidney Disease. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 5(6), 24178-24186.