Correlations between the perception of family functioning by patients with eating disorders and their parents and the perception of relations in the parents’ families of origin
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2014, Vol 48, Issue 4
Aim of the study : To assess the correlations between the perception of relations in parents’ families of origin and the assessment of the current family by the parents and their daughters suffering from eating disorders. Studied group : Statistical analyses were applied to the results obtained from 54 patients diagnosed with restrictive anorexia nervosa, from 22 with binge-purge anorexia, from 36 with bulimia and from two control groups: 36 patients diagnosed with depressive disorders and 85 Krakow schoolgirls. The study also covered the parents of the investigated girls. Method : Family of Origin Scale and Family Assessment Questionnaire (FAM Polish version) were used in the study. Results : The procreative family assessment made by the mothers was correlated with the assessment of their own generational family and the assessment of own generational family made by their husbands. Procreative family assessment made by the fathers was correlated only with their assessment of their family of origin. Family of origin assessment made by patients with diagnosed eating disorders, particularly bulimia, was correlated only with the family of origin assessment made by their fathers. The last correlation did not occur in the control groups. Conclusions: The research shows a correlation between the experience of the families of origin and the current functioning of the family. They show the impact of the fathers’ transgenerational experience on the perception of family relations of daughters with diagnosed anorexia and bulimia nervosa.
Authors and Affiliations
Maciej Pilecki, Barbara Józefik, Kinga Sałapa
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