Corrigendum to: Existence of positive solution to a quasilinear elliptic problem in <B>R</B><SUP>N</SUP>
Journal Title: Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications - Year 2008, Vol 3, Issue 0
This is a Corrigendum to:<BLOCKQUOTE> <UL><LI><P align="justify"><B>Article:</B> Existence of Positive Solution to a Quasilinear Elliptic Problem in <B>R</B><SUP>N</SUP></LI></P><LI><P align="justify"><B>Author:</B> Dragoş-Pătru Covei</LI></P><LI><P align="justify"><B>Published in:</B> Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications, <A HREF="" NOSHADE TITLE="All papers of volume 1 are available here"><B>1 (2006)</B></A>, 111-116.</LI></P><LI><P align="justify"><B>Full text (of the previous article):</B> <A HREF="" NOSHADE TITLE="Click for the original paper"></A></LI></P></UL></BLOCKQUOTE>
Authors and Affiliations
Dragoş Pătru Covei
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