Counter Reformation and Dominican Order
Journal Title: Dini Araştırmalar -Altı Aylık Bilimsel Dergi- - Year 2017, Vol 20, Issue 52
Christianity is one of the greatest religions among today’s religious traditions. However, it is known that Christians do not form a uni ed community. Because of religious debates, Christians diveded into several sub-groups in the process of time. In the wake of the 11th-century East-Orthodox and West- Catholic division, the West Church chose the name Catholic, which means universal, and thereby it regarded itself as the main church. The Catholic Church has assessed all currents that do not embrace their own teaching as heretical and has taken some precautions against them. In the 16 th century, Catholic Christianity was faced with a reform process that was considered to have begun with Luther. While many criticisms of Luther's direction to the Catholic Church have been acknowledged before by some clerics, the debates that Luther began have resulted in a division that can not be taken for granted in Christianity. In this process, Catholic clerics responded to Luther's criticism, sometimes with advocacy, sometimes with counterclaims, and this process was expressed in the Catholic Reform or Counter-Reform concepts. In the discussions that lived during this period, the Dominican Order was also in the forefront in efforts to protect and defend the of cial dogmas of Catholic Christianity. This paper deals with the major developments and the contributions of Dominican Order to the Catholic Church in this adversity period.
Authors and Affiliations
Salihe Esen
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