Counteraction to the corruption in customs authorities of SFS
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 6
In the conditions of the integration of Ukraine with the European and the world community one of the important aspects of modern public legal policy is a reformation and a perfection of the system of prevention and counteraction to the corruption. Any reforms can not be realized at the terms of high level of the corruption in a public sector. An achievement of success in the process of struggle against corruption is a pre – condition for democratic transformations in a state, a strengthening of the national safety, an increase of its economic potential, a forming the confidence in power at a society, an improvement of a welfare of citizens of Ukraine. The article is dedicated to the research of the features of the counteraction to the corruption in customs authorities of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. There are determined the characteristics features and the forms of a display of the corruption in customs authorities. Tasks and plenary powers of the specially authorized public organs are examined, internal and interdepartmental subdivisions, activity of that is direct to the struggle against corruption both in all subjects of the state power of a state and in the government customs service. An author also investigates the measures, directed to the warning corruption in customs authorities, that are determined in the Anticorruption program of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine on 2015 – 2017. The author notes, that the organizationally – legal measures are used for a few last years, provided warning and counteraction to the corruption in customs authorities of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine in full measure, that are based on the principles of systematic and offensiveness in a struggle against corruption, distribution of functions and responsibility of subjects on what fixed tasks from prevention and counteraction to the corruption. At the same time, this activity needs further perfection, providing of a complex combination of the prophylactic, preventive and legal measures, directed to both the absolute observance of norms of the current anticorruption legislation and the removal of reasons and terms that create favourable soil for the perpetration of corruption offences in the field of official activity. In addition, it is obvious a necessity for concentrating the efforts on a decision, within the limits of competence of customs authorities of SFS, questions of purposeful neutralization of social and economic factors of a departmental corruption. The author looks after the swift increase of indexes in a struggle against corruption and comes to the conclusion, that work from introduction of the new anticorruption legislation and a creation of the newest specialized organs give its results. They are incarnated in warning and exposure of criminal and administrative corruption offences in customs authorities of SFS.
Authors and Affiliations
Наталья Коваль, Natalia Koval, Наталія Коваль
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Counteraction to the corruption in customs authorities of SFS
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