Court fee legal nature

Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2016, Vol 132, Issue 132


In the article the author attempts to determine court fee legal nature He comes from that court fee is included in the composition of court costs. Consequently these concepts are correlated as part and unit. Thus part adopts signs characteristic from unit, saving the feature. Court costs are statutory expenses (monetary resources) of parties, other persons participating in the case, born by them in connection with it consideration and permission, and in case of their exemption are expenses of the state that it carries in connection with permission of certain case. They perform two functions: compensation to the participants of process their expenses related to consideration of the case, and stopping from illegal and unconscientious judicial behavior. The author comes from that court fee is not the type of state duty, as these payments have different purviews. Court fee is paid only at an appeal to the court, and state duties - to another unjudicial organs. In addition, in the national legislation since 1 January 2006 both payments are examined as national taxes and collections. Legal nature of court fee it is suggested to determine taking into account those functions that it executes. Firstly, due to court fee the special fund of the state budget is filled up. Its facilities go to financing the functioning of the judicial system. A person, paying it, executes his public obligation. Secondly, the payment of court fee prevents illegal judicial behavior, stimulates parties to the extra-judicial settlement of dispute. Paying court fee a person discharges duties, envisaged by a procedural legislation. It is suggested to understand court fee as a payment to the budget that is realized for specific public and procedural obligations fulfillment due to person’s realization of his access to court for the legal defense right or due to person’s court decree according to Law of Ukraine “About Court fee”, the payment of which should entail some legally significant actions on this person as a receipt of “special benefit”. The last mentioned should appear during writ, application, claim examination and appropriate court decision taking by results, that is in judicature for the purpose of person’s rights, interests and freedoms protection

Authors and Affiliations

Наталія Сакара


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  • EP ID EP175085
  • DOI 10.21564/2414-990x.132.60840
  • Views 94
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How To Cite

Наталія Сакара (2016). Court fee legal nature. Проблеми законності, 132(132), 135-146.