Covert Prostitution Mode of Migrant Women in a Dimly Lit Café


This research is a research that explores the mode of prostitution of migrant women in dim stalls, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Indonesia. Such research as a study of the phenomenon of "rural culture", and as a reference for decision makers in eliminating the distance of anomy from the practice of prostitution. Illegal prostitution is part of immorial sex, in the form of provocative sexual relations with many men (promiscuity). This study, using descriptive qualitative methods, to describe the phenomenon of prostitution as a pathology containing retretism, neglect of "cultural goals/morals", in building a socio-economic order of society that relies on institutionalized values/regulations. The results showed the rise of dim stalls in Wajo, which are inhabited or managed by migrant women from various regions: Bone, Luwu, Toraja, Makassar and various other regions such as Java and Mamuju. The mode of prostitution in Wajo, under the guise of selling coffee drinks, boiled instant noodles, is offered to visitors truck drivers, public transport car drivers and other visitors. The women offered this merchandise but behind that he also offered sex services with a single service of Rp. 120,000,- Rp. 200,000, depending on the agreement. Tips made by women in offering sex services to visitors with verbal seduction or with silence, which indicates they expect sex services.

Authors and Affiliations

Ashari Ismail, Jumadi, Muhammad Syukur, Siti Hardiyanti Arhas


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  • EP ID EP737101
  • DOI 10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i5n01
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How To Cite

Ashari Ismail, Jumadi, Muhammad Syukur, Siti Hardiyanti Arhas (2024). Covert Prostitution Mode of Migrant Women in a Dimly Lit Café. International Journal of Social Science Humanity & Management Research, 3(5), -.