¿Creare est unire? Esbozo de la metafísica de la unión de Teilhard de Chardin

Journal Title: Scientia et Fides - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 2


Creare est unire? An outline of Teilhard de Chardin's metaphysics of union As underlying leitmotiv throughout all his work, Teilhard de Chardin develops the relationship between spirit and matter. Matter (multiplicity) and spirit (unity) are related as follows: centricity (unity) depends on the complexity (multiplicity). Nothing in the universe exists but spirit in different states or degrees of organization or plurality for Teilhard. If it is defined as a thing without a trace of consciousness, matter does not exist. The Spirit comes innovatively by successive synthesis, by what he calls law of central-complexity. From the central-complexity, we present here how Teilhard identifies three areas in the universe: the pre-living, the living and thinking (noosphere); and yet, we expose how he bases its philosophy of creation in a non-materialistic monism and a kind of panpsychism, to avoid a radical dualism between spirit and matter, which enables him to explain in what sense the spirit emerges from the union of matter. Hence based on its spirituality, Teilhard wants to integrate Science and Faith for a Christian worldview.

Authors and Affiliations

Ricard Casadesús


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  • EP ID EP194994
  • DOI 10.12775/SetF.2015.018
  • Views 82
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How To Cite

Ricard Casadesús (2015). ¿Creare est unire? Esbozo de la metafísica de la unión de Teilhard de Chardin. Scientia et Fides, 3(2), 137-160. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-194994