Crediting as a tool development small business

Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 11


The article is devoted to the search for tools for the development of small business in modern economic conditions since the low level of development of small business is due to high tax burden; limited financial resources; the difficulty of obtaining a loan; the imperfection of state support for small business forms; administrative barriers. One of the most effective tools for the development of small business in the article is justified lending. In the article, when considering the issues of lending to small businesses, the authors analyzed the line of credit products of Russian banks by major loan products: investment lending, negotiable lending, commercial mortgage for a small segment, as well as refinancing loans. It was revealed that for commercial banks, financing small businesses leads to a diversification of the banking clientele, expansion of the operations provided, attracting more customers to the bank and increasing profits. The analysis showed that in recent years there has been an increase in overdue loans for lending to small businesses, which entails an increase in the number of refusals to lend to small businesses. After analyzing the main reasons, the main problems of lending by the borrowers themselves are identified: high-interest rates on loans, complexity and duration of credit analysis, lack of collateral, the liquid property, as well as the unwillingness of the borrower to provide relevant information about the activity. Having studied the main problems and shortcomings of the small business lending system in Russia, the authors suggested the following ways to improve lending as a tool for developing small business: to restore the transparency of organizations, to tighten control over doing business, to conduct seminars and workshops on doing business, start-up, affecting the issues of reporting to the bank and other issues of concern to entrepreneurs, promotion and improvement of the system of scoring and monitoring loan applications, adjustment It is for the client monitoring system after disbursement.

Authors and Affiliations

Yana Radyukova, V. Sutyagin, E. Kolesnichenko


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  • EP ID EP495764
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1488262
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How To Cite

Yana Radyukova, V. Sutyagin, E. Kolesnichenko (2018). Crediting as a tool development small business. Бюллетень науки и практики, 4(11), 301-312.