Crime reducing strategy – the direction of minimizing the conditions for crime manifestations

Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2019, Vol 1, Issue 37


Crime prevention and combating is one of the main functions for state and its institutions, which provide public security, law and order. National doctrine of criminological theory considers crime prevention as a far-sighted, forward-looking preventive activity regarding the emergence of remote criminal determinants within the framework of perspective state criminological policy, as well as minimization of the terms for crime committing through the development and implementation of short-term, but incessant preventive directions – strategies, which in foreign criminology have been called “everyday life criminology” (D. Garland). One of such everyday strategies is the crime (direct conditions) reducing strategy. The article continues the coverage of research results by Аcademician Stashis SRISCP NALS of Ukraine specialists preventive potential of this Strategy, conditions for its implementation into the Ukrainian security space, the sufficiency of resource support and readiness of the main actors to prevent crime: the authorities – law enforcement agencies – the public to coordinated, ongoing work on this field. It is emphasized that the mobility and ingenuity of modern criminality in penetrating any level of government, administration, self-government, enterprises, organizations, etc., the emergence of new and modernized “old” crime manifestations types urgently require a rapid reaction to it by the state/authorities and its institutions, in particular, law enforcement agencies and the public. Therefore, in this article, the crime reducing strategy and its variants is proposed to be considered and used not only for situational and some other types of crime, but in general against any of its manifestations (economic, organized, transnational, etc.), which requires ingenuity and creativity from their developers. Of these requirements are given positive examples in the application of the Strategy on foreign and domestic practice (USA, Ukraine). It is noted that the conditions for the implementation of such strategies include: the “triumvirate” (power – law enforcement agencies – the population) readiness for the directed, partnership cooperation; territorial local limitations; professionalism of staff; transparency and accountability of activities; clear criteria for its evaluation and self-evaluation.

Authors and Affiliations

V. V. Holina, Володимир Голіна, S. S. Shramko, С. С. Шрамко


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How To Cite

V. V. Holina, Володимир Голіна, S. S. Shramko, С. С. Шрамко (2019). Crime reducing strategy – the direction of minimizing the conditions for crime manifestations. ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ, 1(37), 9-21.