Criticism of consumption society in philosophical-anthropological and sociological research
Journal Title: ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 2
In the article scientific discussions are analyzed. They devoted to critical attitude towards different practice of modern consumption. Particularly discussions concerning the consumer behavior transformation, which is a consequence of the planned economy replacement by the market economy. The author is considering a consumer action in context of its philosophical definitions as a communicative action, symbolic interaction, constructing of status descriptions et cetera. So, styles of consumption come forward the form of demonstration of personality social status. In modern society along with an apology to consumerism there is its opposition. The display of inhibition of surplus consumption was become by the alternative models of consumer practices in Ukraine, which reflect critical potential of consumption: «rational model», «puritan model» (or moral consumption), «downshifting», «green consumption», «eco-consumption», «creative consumption».
Authors and Affiliations
Yuliya Syusel
Søren Kierkegaard a pojem verejnosti
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