Cross-Border E-Commerce – Myth or Reality. Review of Major Harmonisation Efforts
Journal Title: Studia i Materiały Wydział Zarządzania Uniwersytet Warszawski - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 23
The goal of the article is to review selected initiatives on harmonising the legal framework for international e-commerce. The article focuses on the achievements of two institutions with the greatest achievements in the field of harmonisation of the rules of international trade, i.e. the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) (global dimension) and the European Commission (regional level of the European Union). Taking up this issue is justified by the fact that in spite of the dynamic increase in the absolute number of e-commerce transactions, a vast majority of them are domestic transactions within particular countries. In order to better use the potential of the Internet in international trade, it is necessary to further harmonise regulations on online transactions at the international level. The article points to significant achievements in terms of harmonisation of regulations on e-commerce within the EU, and the simultaneous lack of significant progress in terms of harmonisation in a broader global perspective.
Authors and Affiliations
Bartosz Targański, Anna Mokrysz-Olszyńska
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