Crowded Deserts – Deserted oases
Journal Title: Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana. Rocznik Wydziału Pedagogicznego Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie - Year 2016, Vol 19, Issue 4
The article will attempt to describe the situation of the young modern man through the symbolism of the desert. In both oral tradition and written tradition (e.g. the Bible), the desert is depicted as a place of disorder that threatens man, and as a seat of evil spirits and malevolent forces. The Author refers to the description of a specific traumatic experience that Israelites had during their journey after they had escaped from Egypt. The Author also refers to the place of the temptations of Christ but, nevertheless, the article also presents another view of the desert, in which it is understood as a place of spiritual revival, a space for human freedom and the place where the need for solitude can be fulfilled. Wandering through the desert, without any signposts, any lasting traces in the sand, or any landmarks is, according to the Author, an accurate metaphor for the condition of the modern man. How many temptations and dangers await us out on the desert? What are the ways out or, perhaps more accurately, what are the means of escape? This text is also a dialogue with E. Fromm’s concept and quasi-concepts referring to magic, and an attempt to determine how many forms of escape from freedom can be specified. The Author will discuss the essence of freedom and its limits, when faced with helplessness and solitude. Are we bound to be forever torn between dependency and unrestrained freedom of the possible life styles? The author argues that individuals who are constantly tempted and allured by the “oases of happiness” become “people with hollow eyes”. This category is discussed by the author from the perspective of the challenges of modern education and the essence of man.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Petrykowski
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