Cultural adaptation and psychometric validation of the Holistic Nursing Competence Scale (HNCS) – a preliminary report
Journal Title: Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku - Year 2015, Vol 14, Issue 3
Aim. The aim of the study was the adaptation and validation of a scale designed to assess the development of nursing competence for nursing students (Holistic Nursing Competence Scale) – its name in Polish: Skala Kompetencji Holistycznych Pielęgniarki. The scale consists of two areas. The first area of questions looks at daily activities (1-7), the second assesses the competence of nurses (1-29). According to the indication of the author’s scale, it can be used for studying the development of nursing competencies not only in nursing students, but also in working nurses. Method. The study involved a total of 103 first year nursing students of the graduate program at the Medical University of Lublin. Results. The study showed that the adaptive procedure described in this study allows one to demonstrate that the adapted psychometric scale meets the criteria at an acceptable level. Two areas involved in the Competence Scale holistic nurses have a high Criterion validity and reliability. Conclusions. The study indicates that the Polish language version of Holistic Nursing Competence Scale is easy to use and proves effective in differentiating subjects. This diagnostic tool proves great in evaluating the development of nursing competence. Both subscales adapted the following tools: management in everyday life (scale, 1-7), the competence of nursing (scale, 1-29), can be used in the original study and replication monitor and support the development of a system assessing the results of nursing students’ learning.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Brodowicz, Danuta Zarzycka
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