Cultural and Historical Contexts for the Development of Coinonious Sociality

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 3


The formation and development of the tradition of the Christian coinonia-community as a dialogical form of collectivity, from the time of the first centuries of Christianity to the time of modern times, is researched. It has been proved that the coinonious type of sociality, formed during the times of eschatological Christianity, based on direct, not alienated communication in the modes of «apprenticeship» and «brotherhood». With the transformations of the Christian community and the transformation of Christianity into state religion, the dialogue between the church and the state became more intensified. The Christian community became an object of influence and paternalistic care on the part of the identified communicating parties. The status of the Orthodox community, which acquired topological and organizational connotations, gradually formalized: first, due to its urban location; then with belonging to a certain temple as a community center. That fact marked the gradual transition from the community-coinonia to the modern model – the community-parish. More precisely, taking into account not only the parish, but also the level of the bishopric community – the community of ecclesia. What also became the reason for the semantic «drift» – from the co-existence of the Christian community as a fraternity toward its topological (that is attached to a certain place) or organizational (that is attached to the organization) functioning. The Reformation united the Christian social tradition with a new capitalist reality. The reformist movement of the sixteenth century, becoming a rebellion against clericalism and hierarchical tyranny, formed a new consensus between the clergy and the community, trying to reproduce the original pattern of the community-coinonia. Subsequently, the processes of adaptation of the Protestant churches to the modern conditions – in dialogue with both the state and civil society – took place.

Authors and Affiliations

Nataliya Ishchuk


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How To Cite

Nataliya Ishchuk (2018). Cultural and Historical Contexts for the Development of Coinonious Sociality. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(3), 136-151.