CULTURE: Identity in (Post)Modern Society in the Perspective of the ‘Traditional’ Interpretation of one’s own Biography
Journal Title: Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica - Year 2009, Vol 10, Issue 1
In the paper I analyze those aspects of biography which have been proclaimed as passé in terms of postmodern perspective, whereas they are still meaningful in certain biographical, cultural or social situations. Hence they can be much better characterized with the help of “traditional” rather than postmodern attributes. us, I concentrate on situations in which collective identity is based on ethnic or national identications, where people look for stable symbolic points to dene biography, when the need to have roots is dened as one of the fundamental biographical needs. Even in postmodern times culture still oers rich enough resources to create the need for biographical complexity and wholeness. When presenting those traces I concentrate on examples of both biographical and identity work. My ndings are based on my research experiences.
Authors and Affiliations
Kaja Kaźmierska
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