Curricular reform may improve students' performance on externally administeredcomprehensive examinations.
Journal Title: Croatian Medical Journal - Year 2005, Vol 46, Issue 3
AIM: To determine whether changes in the format of teaching pathology andthe introduction of active learning principles can improve medical students' performance on externalexaminations and enhance clinical skills. METHOD: The sophomore Pathology Course at Jefferson MedicalCollege (JMC) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, was completely restructured in 1986, with greater emphasisplaced on independent study, small group teaching, and case study discussion. We used the scores of JMCmedical students on the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Part I Examination to compare theperformance of JMC students who completed their medical education before curricular change (enteringclasses 1982-1984) with the performance of subsequent generations of students who were taught accordingto the reformed curriculum (entering classes 1985-1988). RESULTS: The two groups of students were comparablein terms of standard social and psychometric parameters, such as mean age at matriculation, female/maleratio, ratio of minority students in the class, premedical college grade point averages, and mean scoreson the preadmission Medical College Admissions Test. JMC students who studied pathology prior to thecurricular reform received on the pathology subsection of the NBME Part I Examination reform scores thatwere close to the national average. In contrast, mean scores for students who studied pathology aftercurricular changes were significantly higher than the national average (P
Authors and Affiliations
Ivan Damjanov, Bruce A Fenderson, Mohammadreza Hojat, Emanuel Rubin
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