Cutaneous hyperandrogenism

Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 5


Cutaneous hyperandrogenism (CHA) refers to androgen dependent cutaneous features, such as hirsutism, acne, androgenetic alopecia, etc. The "cutaneous hyperandrogenism" is caused by in stiu over expression of the androgenic enzymes and / or hyperresponsiveness of androgen receptors in the skin. It may be primary or secondary. Primary or idiopathic cutaneous hyperandrogenism is characterized by clinical expression without hyperandrogenemia and associated androgenic conditions, whereas secondary cutaneous hyperandrogenism is characterized by clinical expression secondary to hyperandrogenemia and / or underlying androgenic conditions. Hirsutism, acne and androgenetic alopecia are considered the classical features of CHA. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of secondary cutaneous hyperandrogenism, and the Rotterdam criteria are widely used for diagnosing PCOS. For labeling a case as primary cutaneous hyperandrogenism / idiopathic hyperandrogenism, presence of hirsutism or in absence of hirsutism, a combination of atypical acne and androgenetic alopecia, along with absence of hyperandrogenemia and associated androgenic conditions may be used. There are no clinical test to detect in situ over expression of the cutaneous androgenic enzymes and hyperresponsiveness of cutaneous androgen receptors, hence the diagnosis of primary cutaneous hyperandrogenism rests on excluding other causes of hyperandrogenism.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr Shrivastava S B, Dr Sagar Vivek, Dr Singh Jasmeet, Dr Gaur Diksha


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  • DOI 10.9790/0853-1705092124.
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How To Cite

Dr Shrivastava S B, Dr Sagar Vivek, Dr Singh Jasmeet, Dr Gaur Diksha (2018). Cutaneous hyperandrogenism. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 17(5), 21-24.