Cyclic Redundancy Checking (CRC) Accelerator for Embedded Processor Datapaths


We present the integration of a multimode Cyclic Redundancy Checking (CRC) accelerator unit with an embedded processor datapath to enhance the processor performance in terms of execution time and energy efficiency. We investigate the performance of CRC accelerated embedded processor datapath in terms of execution time and energy efficiency. Our evaluation shows that the CRC accelerated Microblaze SoftCore embedded processor datapath is 153 times more cycle and energy efficient than a datapath lacking a CRC accelerator unit. This acceleration is achieved at the cost of some area overhead.

Authors and Affiliations

Abdul Rehman Buzdar, Liguo Sun, Rao Kashif, Muhammad Waqar Azhar, Muhammad Imran Khan


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  • EP ID EP249201
  • DOI 10.14569/IJACSA.2017.080242
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How To Cite

Abdul Rehman Buzdar, Liguo Sun, Rao Kashif, Muhammad Waqar Azhar, Muhammad Imran Khan (2017). Cyclic Redundancy Checking (CRC) Accelerator for Embedded Processor Datapaths. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications, 8(2), 321-325.