Cywilizacje w ujęciu Feliksa Konecznego a multikulturalizm we współczesnej Europie
Journal Title: Civitas. Studia z Filozofii Polityki - Year 2017, Vol 20, Issue 20
Using Feliks Koneczny’s approach to describe civilisations and multiculturalism in contemporary Europe The aim of this thesis is to describe contemporary cultural problems in Europe using the category of historiosophy developed by Feliks Koneczny. The author discusses the division of civilisations in Europe as described by Koneczny and his ‘historical laws’ which concern mutual relations between these civilisations. Nowadays, Europe is an area where fi ve civilisations mix. One of them has appeared in Europe due to the mass migration of the Muslim population. According to Koneczny, there can be no synthesis between civilisations and only a mixture of civilisations can emerge which will lead to an anti-civilisational status or a war. The current situation in Europe requires serious correction. The paper refers to a multi-civilisational phenomenon that was the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Its two main pillars were a strong identity of the state and respect for civilisational minorities. The model of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth seems to be the best solution for the present problems of the European Union.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał Kmieć
Sprawiedliwość pośmiertna
Recenzja książki Philip C. Almond, Za grobem. Historia życia po śmierci, przeł. Anna Kunicka, Fundacja Aletheia, Warszawa 2017, ss. 328.
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