The subject of article is to present civil-military coordination of the air traffic management in the process of preparation and conducting of air exercises. This process can have a national or international character, d...
Due to the fact that Great Britain has a well developed system of support for reserve soldiers and employers hiring them, solutions applied in this country are worth analysing, particularly in the context of creating Nat...
The author has assumed that war, as an extremely complex phenomenon should be considered from many points of view taking concrete criteria as a basis of division. The analysis of military, psychological, legal, economic...
Artykuł porusza problem pomiaru potęgi cybernetycznej państw na przykładzie dwóch modeli badawczych: modelu Cyber Power Index (CPI) oraz modelu A.M. Gomeza. Obie metody oparte są na analizie wskaźników, przy czym pierwsz...
EP ID EP67138
Views 92
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How To Cite
Telesfor Markiewicz (2014). CYWILNO-WOJSKOWY WYMIAR
JEDNOLITEJ EUROPEJSKIEJ PRZESTRZENI POWIETRZNEJ. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej, 2014(96),
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Problemy cywilno-wojskowej koordynacji międzynarodowych i krajowych ćwiczeń lotniczych w polskiej przestrzeni powietrznej
The subject of article is to present civil-military coordination of the air traffic management in the process of preparation and conducting of air exercises. This process can have a national or international character, d...
Siły Rezerwowe Wielkiej Brytanii
Due to the fact that Great Britain has a well developed system of support for reserve soldiers and employers hiring them, solutions applied in this country are worth analysing, particularly in the context of creating Nat...
Wojna : definicje, teorie, klasyfikacje.
The author has assumed that war, as an extremely complex phenomenon should be considered from many points of view taking concrete criteria as a basis of division. The analysis of military, psychological, legal, economic...
Artykuł porusza problem pomiaru potęgi cybernetycznej państw na przykładzie dwóch modeli badawczych: modelu Cyber Power Index (CPI) oraz modelu A.M. Gomeza. Obie metody oparte są na analizie wskaźników, przy czym pierwsz...