The traditional contemporary library is now more often transformed into an information centre. Publications offered by the scientific libraries, to which academic libraries also belong, are becoming more varied. The arti...
The aim of the article was the presentation of the contemporary state of the local press. Although the conducted analysis was mainly based on data and facts on the press of Częstochowa it could, with a high measure of pr...
Adrian Uljasz (2010). Czasopisma wyznaniowe na straży polskości. Z przeszłości prasy luterańskiej i kalwińskiej do 1939 roku. Rocznik Bibliologiczno-Prasoznawczy, 2(13),
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Possibilities and use of the library and information centre offer and the estimation of its quality in the academic community (an attempt of system analysis by the example of the Main Library of Świętokrzyska Academy in Kielce). Part II
The traditional contemporary library is now more often transformed into an information centre. Publications offered by the scientific libraries, to which academic libraries also belong, are becoming more varied. The arti...
Retreat from localness
The aim of the article was the presentation of the contemporary state of the local press. Although the conducted analysis was mainly based on data and facts on the press of Częstochowa it could, with a high measure of pr...
Prasa regionalna jako nośnik propagandy stalinowskiej. "Nowiny Rzeszowskie" o śmierci Józefa Stalina
Regulaminy księgarskie - źródłem zasad rządzących rynkiem książki w Polsce okresu międzywojennego