Relating the course of the American War of Independence in the columns of the "Gazeta Warszawska" Stefan Łuskina - the editor and publisher of the "Gazeta Warszawska" did not restrict his remarks only to the trend of eve...
Analysis of, kept in the Archives of new Deeds, censorship reviews of each issue of the 1949 "Tygodnik Powszechny" reveals the mechanizm of freedom of speech restriction during the Stalin era. The study covers the post f...
EP ID EP129889
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How To Cite
Jolanta Dzierżyńska (2010). Częstochowskie współczesne czasopisma naukowe, fachowe, hobbystyczne i firmowe (1989-2007). Rocznik Bibliologiczno-Prasoznawczy, 2(13),
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"Gazeta Warszawska" vis-a-vis the United States of America war of independence in the years 1778-1782
Relating the course of the American War of Independence in the columns of the "Gazeta Warszawska" Stefan Łuskina - the editor and publisher of the "Gazeta Warszawska" did not restrict his remarks only to the trend of eve...
Częstochowskie współczesne czasopisma naukowe, fachowe, hobbystyczne i firmowe (1989-2007)
Peregrynacje Karola Zbyszewskiego po epoce stanisławowskiej
"Gazeta Warszawska" wobec wojny o niepodległość Stanów Zjednoczonych w latach 1778-1782
The "Tygodnik Powszechny" in 1949 with reference to secondary assessment by censors of the Main Press, Publishing and Exhibition Control Office
Analysis of, kept in the Archives of new Deeds, censorship reviews of each issue of the 1949 "Tygodnik Powszechny" reveals the mechanizm of freedom of speech restriction during the Stalin era. The study covers the post f...