Człowiek czy anioł? Tożsamość młodzieńca w Markowej narracji o pustym grobie Jezusa (16,5–7)

Journal Title: Przegląd Tomistyczny - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue


The question of the identity of the νεανίσκος in Mark 16:5-7 is not so clear and straightforward as one might think at first glance. If the reader is not influenced by the other three canonical gospels, the Markan description of this figure is, at least, ambiguous. It might be an angel, but equally well it could be a human being. Further, when read in the context of the larger Markan narrative, this figure should be linked with another, parallel νεανίσκος appearing in Mark 14:51-52. Both of these occurrences ought to be read not only on a realistic-historical level but also in a symbolic register. On a historical level, the young man sitting in the tomb of Jesus is an angel, even though the women visiting Jesus’ tomb regarded him purely as a human being. As a symbolic figure, however, the νεανίσκος sitting in the empty tomb of Jesus might represent, at one and the same time, Jesus, his disciple, a catechumen, a martyr, the Markan Church, or an implied reader. Th e two Markan νεανίσκοι, taken together, create an inclusion which brackets that Gospel’s entire passion and paschal narrative. Th is invites the discerning reader, Jesus’ disciple, to pose a question regarding his or her own status as a witness to Jesus’ resurrection.

Authors and Affiliations

Adam Kubiś


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How To Cite

Adam Kubiś (2015). Człowiek czy anioł? Tożsamość młodzieńca w Markowej narracji o pustym grobie Jezusa (16,5–7). Przegląd Tomistyczny, 0(), 385-420.