“To be, or not to be, this is the question”, this famous sentence from Shakespeare’s Hamlet is very actual nowadays in the context of Internet, but maybe much important question is: how we are exist in Internet? First of...
Rapid changes in American society at the late 19th century bred social ills which required solving with the use of all available resources of the era. One of the tools, developed by the Children’s Aid Society of New York...
Telling history in guided city tours means negotiating it with the audiences on the ground. The narration does not only have to be anchored in the specific urban space, it also has to meet the tourists’ expectations, pre...
I want a third pill.
“To be, or not to be, this is the question”, this famous sentence from Shakespeare’s Hamlet is very actual nowadays in the context of Internet, but maybe much important question is: how we are exist in Internet? First of...
Securing Homes: Orphan Trains as a Way of Curing Ills of the Late 19th Century America
Rapid changes in American society at the late 19th century bred social ills which required solving with the use of all available resources of the era. One of the tools, developed by the Children’s Aid Society of New York...
Między tradycją a mockumentem. Kino dokumentalne dziś. Cały numer
Narrating Jewish history in free walking tours – Warsaw as a case study
Telling history in guided city tours means negotiating it with the audiences on the ground. The narration does not only have to be anchored in the specific urban space, it also has to meet the tourists’ expectations, pre...
Maszyna do nadawania autentyczności. Perypetie polskiej muzyki popularnej w latach 80