Czy istnieje trzecia droga? Między racjonalnymi a socjologicznymi rekonstrukcjami rozwoju wiedzy


In the scientific (political, social, etc.) discourse where a bipolarisation of solutions exists, the emergence of a ’third way’ is often considered as a rotten compromise, a sign of theories’ weaknesses, which results in a poor, eclectic solution to the prob- lem. I argue that the solution based on the Pierre Duhem’s philosophy of science is a well-founded, theoretically-appealing and yields a proper reconstruction method of the development of broad scientific knowledge. Furthermore, this solution innovatively uses both mentioned perspectives. Its special feature is the intertwining of methodological reflection on the contemporary practice of scientific research and historical studies on the Western scientific tradition. The history of science and the analysis of the functioning of the community of scholars subtly correct Reason’s methodological judgments, often corrupted by pride of the value of the results of scientific or falling into grim disbelief in the possibility of achieving any long-lasting result.

Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Szlachcic


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How To Cite

Krzysztof Szlachcic (2010). Czy istnieje trzecia droga? Między racjonalnymi a socjologicznymi rekonstrukcjami rozwoju wiedzy. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia, 35(2), 223-250.