Czy uczymy o tym w jaki sposób badamy?
Journal Title: Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 47
This paper is based on an assumption that any scientific discipline should be characterized by compatibility between the methods and techniques that are taught and the methods and techniques that are actually used in scientific research. This concerns political science as well. Content analysis of selected syllabi of methodological courses and 280 papers published in 8 polish political science journals shows that there are important differences between teaching about methods and techniques and using them in practice. According to the results, political scientists teach about questionnaires, observations, experiments, surveys, and other methods and techniques specific to social science, but they rarely use them. Only 12,1% of the articles mentioned what methods and techniques are used and those listed above were very seldom pointed out. Among the articles in which methods and techniques used were not mentioned the most popular method was the one that can be called “critique of written sources” and methods like historical, institutional, and comparative. It seems to be very important that those methods were rarely present in the analyzed syllabi. In sum, it might be said that we do not teach what we do in research. This answer for the title question should be reconsidered as a starting point for possible changes in teaching methodology and also in publishing policy in political science journals.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Ścigaj
Longin Pastusiak, Prezydent dobrych intencji. Polityka zagraniczna Baracka Obamy, Oficyna Wydawniczo-Poligraficzna „ADAM ”, Warszawa 2015, ss. 267
Przywództwo partyjne w państwach postkomunistycznych, red. Maciej Hartliński, Instytut Nauk Politycznych Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, Olsztyn 2015, ss. 297
Partyjne uwarunkowania formowania koalicji gabinetowych w Republice Słowackiej po 1992 roku
Henry E. Hale, Patronal Politics. Eurasian Regime Dynamics in Comparative Perspective, Cambridge University Press, New York 2015, ss. 538
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