Czym w wojsku jest kierowanie, dowodzenie, zarządzanie i sterowanie
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2009, Vol 2009, Issue 2
The author discusses the idea of commanding as a process and characterizes its basic forms occurring in command and staff work as command, management and control. The author defines command as the process of planning, organizing, motivating and checking the activities of military organization’s members and using all its other resources to achieve planned goals. However, the management in military structures is treated as a managerial activity that includes establishing goals, accomplishing them within commands’ formalized organizational structures or command system elements such as communication systems and networks, IT systems and networks and, most of all, supporting accomplishing tasks by staffs and their organizational cells in the process of forces’ command. Commanding is defined as a basic form of leading forces by their commanders, based on the authority to complex shaping of all combat readiness elements in reference to directly and indirectly subordinated soldiers, consequently, to their comprehensive preparation to perform tasks in time of peace, crisis and war. This power is wielded by commanders in relation to all soldiers subordinated to them and other personnel who hold commanding positions (e.g. chief of board, department, division, section), but only in relation to soldiers in directly subordinated to them organizational units (board, department, division, section) on a given level of command. Control in military structures comprises all intentional interacting of one element, set or technical system onto another one in order to achieve such changes of the process course taking place in the controlled object or state of the controlled set (system) in a given moment which is considered expected. In general, the article is an attempt to make order in the contents range of the mentioned notions to be adopted in military terminology.
Authors and Affiliations
Józef Michniak
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