D. I. Yavornitsky᾽s book heritage in collections of the scientific library of Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University


The article deals with analysis of books written by a famous Ukrainian scientist, historian, ethnographer, folklore researcher and cultural activist D. I. Yavornitsky, which are stored in the Scientific library of Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University. The initial book collection of the library was created in 1918. It consisted of books from Katerinoslav secondary schools. D. I. Yavornitsky made a valuable contribution to the history of the university and its library. Basic criteria for bibligaphic analysis of D. I. Yavornitsky’s books are the following: content, chronological limits, subject matter, publishing houses, seals and inscriptions, number of copies printed. A part of books came to University library from Katerinoslav’s schools. The collection of D. I. Yavornitsky’s books grew in difficult post-war years (1947) and in the 60–80-s of the 20 th century. Each book by D. I. Yavornitsky has scientific and historical value, has peculiar decoration and structure. The books contain maps, indices and appendices. His books contain materials on church and judicial system, everyday life and traditians which were common in Zaporizhzhya regions. The scientist’s books contain pictures of Ukrainian and Russians painters I. E. Repin and O. G. Slastion which are of great scientific value as well. The publishing of the books is connected with names of famous landowners G. P. Alexeev, M. M. Komstadius and V. V. Tarnovsky. The article gives information about lifetime editions of D. I. Yavornitsky and their interesting modern reissues in Ukraine. Researching and analyzing of D. I. Yavornitsky’s literary heritage will help to show the features of puplishing in the Russian Empire and highlight individual contribution to Katerinoslav history and culture.

Authors and Affiliations

Liudmyla Luchka


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  • EP ID EP202545
  • DOI 10.15421/261617
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How To Cite

Liudmyla Luchka (2016). D. I. Yavornitsky᾽s book heritage in collections of the scientific library of Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія Історія та археологія., 24(1), 108-112. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-202545