Daily life of a greek woman in the North Azov sea region and her role in preservation of greek ethnical identity at the end of XVIII - beginning of the XX century


The article is devoted to the study of everyday life of Greek women in villages of the North Azov region. It was concluded that a girl would spend the first years of her life on the sofa, and she was involved in the household work starting from 5-6 years of age. Mother was the main party responsible for the daughter's up-brining, so the mother kept and passed on the traditions from one generation to another. It was Greek women's responsibility to keep and obey ceremonies, arrange family celebrations, which as the result let Greek children grow in the atmosphere filled with ethnic traditions. Any deviations or violation of the routine ceremonies were strictly criticized by the Greek community, such a family was proclaimed outlaw, and the one to blame was mostly a woman. So no wonder that every Greek woman performed the responsibilities trusted to her faithfully. It is shown that not more that 10 % of girls attended school at the end of XIX century. The situation begin to change only at the beginning of the XX century, when the number of girls in elementary schools was around one-third of the total number of pupils. This led to the situation when only minority of the Greek women knew the Russian language, and so they were in most cases keepers of the Greek language. It was established that as a result of life activities Greek society created certain norms that provided strict regulations for women's behavior, so the only allowed individual actions the Greek women could take were the ones corresponding to the norms. Form the early days girls were told and knew well all the norms of behavior, and in the future they would strictly watch their own children to follow the established rules and perfume all the ceremonial function accepted in their community. Thus the women played the role of the keeper of traditional behavior and rules. It was also concluded that family served as a main social unit, which kept the ethnic uniqueness of Greek people on the micro-level when surrounded by other ethnicities, and the function of the keeper in the family was assigned, first of all, to a woman. Most of the Greeks residing in the North Azov region at the beginning of XX century obeyed to the tradition of endogamy. Marriages were concluded mostly between the members of the ethnic group - this helped to preserve homogeneity of the family. It was proved that the main functions of a woman in Greek society were childbirth to provide for future generations, adaptation and preservation of the Greek identity, keeping of traditions, arrangement of traditional family celebrations, thus a Greek woman was the main 'means' in support and transfer of the experience and ethnic traditions from ancestors to descendants. Women played the role of so to say preserving agent in the society, thank to which the traditional peculiarities of culture, ethnic consciousness and uniqueness of Greeks everyday life were preserved.

Authors and Affiliations

Svitlana Arabadzhy


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Svitlana Arabadzhy (2014). Daily life of a greek woman in the North Azov sea region and her role in preservation of greek ethnical identity at the end of XVIII - beginning of the XX century. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 4(9), 7-17. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-637582