Дакументы Юрыя Туронка ў Беларускім дзяржаўным архіве-музеі літаратуры i мастацтва

Journal Title: Przegląd Środkowo-Wschodni - Year 2019, Vol 4, Issue


Jerzy Turonek’s documents in Belarusian State Archives-Museum of Literature and Arts The text is about historian Jerzy Turonek’s archival fond in Belarusian State Archives- Museum of Literature and Art in Minsk. There are a lot of biographical documents, manuscripts and typescripts of Jerzy Turonek works, photos and correspondence with tens people in diff erent countries. The great part of this archival fond are documents collected by historian to his works from personal collections of Marian Pieciukiewicz, Viera Muraška and others. First parts of these documents were moved in Minsk in early 1990s and last ones are transferring until nowadays. Also thanks to Jerzy Turonek a lot of rare books and periodicals were kept by BSAMLA.

Authors and Affiliations

Наталля Гардзіенка


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  • EP ID EP454273
  • DOI 10.32612/uw.2543618X.2019.pp.431-448
  • Views 130
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How To Cite

Наталля Гардзіенка (2019). Дакументы Юрыя Туронка ў Беларускім дзяржаўным архіве-музеі літаратуры i мастацтва. Przegląd Środkowo-Wschodni, 4(), 431-448. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-454273