Dalit of Odisha: A Case Study of the Dombos in Rayagada District
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2019, Vol 4, Issue 1
The term Dalit,' in Sanskrit is both a noun and an adjective. As a noun, Dalit can be used for all three genders, masculine, feminine and neuter. It has been derived from the root word Dal' which means to crack, split etc. The word -Dalit' has come to mean that things or persons come under, the category of downtrodden, scattered, crushed, destroyed etc. The listed 93 Scheduled Caste communities of Odisha are known as Dalit in Odishan social system. But, in fact, the untouchables among the Scheduled Castes are the Dalits. The Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes comprise about 16.6 and 8.6 , respectively of India's population according to the 2011 census . There are total population in socially untouchables and economically poor in the lowest point of social structure in Odisha. After of independence of India, their social, political, education justice, economic status has not been changed as expected. The examination and analysis of present status of Dalits will be made through empirical study. The outcome of this study will draw a clear picture of the position of Dalits in Odisha and it will motivate government and non government agencies to take initiative to promote Dalits. Paramananda Naik "Dalit of Odisha: A Case Study of the Dombos in Rayagada District" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-1 , December 2019, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd29601.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/other-scientific-research-area/other/29601/dalit-of-odisha-a-case-study-of-the-dombos-in-rayagada-district/paramananda-naik
Authors and Affiliations
Paramananda Naik
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