Article in broad context shows Art under dictatorship - book by Jerzy Waldorff, famous theatre critic. In his book Waldorff describes relations between culture and power in authoritarian State of Italy under Benito Musso...
Ukraine headed for European integration in 1998 when the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine came into force. In the following years the Ukrainian society has been preparing to th...
The science of safety as a discipline in the field of social sciences is already six years old. Attempts are made to search for the identity of science, to introduce the terminology, definition and methodology. Theoretic...
In the article we studied the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church as an integral part, a national factor in the religious process of the Ukrainians, living in western regions of the USSR during the 1960s and 1970s. The resea...
EP ID EP257529
DOI 10.12775/HiP.2012.025
Views 72
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How To Cite
Paweł Machalski (2012). Danuta Waniek, Orzeł i krucyfiks: eseje o podziałach politycznych w Polsce, Toruń 2011. Historia i Polityka, 0(8),
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Andrzej Wierzbicki, Etnnopolityka w Azji Centralnej. Między wspólnotą etniczną a obywatelską, Warszawa 2008
„Sztuka pod dyktaturą” Jerzego Waldorff a – szkic o relacjach między faszyzmem a kulturą na przykładzie Włoch
Article in broad context shows Art under dictatorship - book by Jerzy Waldorff, famous theatre critic. In his book Waldorff describes relations between culture and power in authoritarian State of Italy under Benito Musso...
Communication Policy Challenges of Ukraine in the Context of its European Integration
Ukraine headed for European integration in 1998 when the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine came into force. In the following years the Ukrainian society has been preparing to th...
Rozważania nad naukami o bezpieczeństwie i bezpieczeństwem społeczności lokalnych
The science of safety as a discipline in the field of social sciences is already six years old. Attempts are made to search for the identity of science, to introduce the terminology, definition and methodology. Theoretic...
The Value of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Preservation of the National Religious Rights оf the Ukrainians: 60s–70s of the 20th Century
In the article we studied the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church as an integral part, a national factor in the religious process of the Ukrainians, living in western regions of the USSR during the 1960s and 1970s. The resea...