Das Instytut Polsko-Skandynawski in Kopenhagen (IPS). Ein Überblick
Journal Title: Zapiski Historyczne. Poświęcone Historii Pomorza i Krajów Bałtyckich - Year 2017, Vol 82, Issue 2
The article presents the history and achievements of the Polish-Scandinavian Institute in Copenhaguen. Its history is connected with the history of the Polish emigration during WWII and afterwards. As early as 1939 the historian Oskar Halecki set up the Polish University in Exile. In 1952 this university received full academic rights. In connection with the significant number of postwar Polish emigrants in Scandinavian countries, particularly after 1956 and 1968, there appeared an idea to establish a scientific institute there. Eventually, the decision to set up such an institute in Copenhaguen was made. In 1971 the Scientific-Research Laboratory was set up, which two years later was connected with the Polish University in Exile. The day of 3 October 1985 is the official date of the establishment of the Polish-Scandinavian Institute. At present, it consists of fifteen ordinary members and ten correspondence members. It deals with the research on the historical and cultural connections between Poland and Scandinavia. The Institute gives awards and medals for the research conducted in this field; it organizes conferences and prepares publications.
Authors and Affiliations
Sven Ekdahl
Otto Gerhard Oexle (28 VIII 1939 – 16 V 2016)
Nekrolog poświęcony Otto Gerhardowi Oexlemu.
Pieczęcie przy dokumentach Związku Pruskiego. Akt erekcyjny i dokumenty akcesyjne, wyd. Marcin Hlebionek
Book Review
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Bogusz Wasik, Budownictwo zamkowe na ziemi chełmińskiej (od XIII do XV wieku), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń 2016, ss. 370
Recenzja publikacji: Bogusz Wasik, Budownictwo zamkowe na ziemi chełmińskiej (od XIII do XV wieku), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń 2016, ss. 370.