Dataism: The rise of a data-driven world? A Guide for Data-Oriented Policy and Management


This manuscript examines the growing impact of data in contemporary society and the consequences for management and policy. It looks at the emergence of the dataism paradigm, which prioritizes data-based decision-making, and evaluates how it has affected different sectors and industries. The manuscript offers a thorough road map for managers and policymakers to comprehend and successfully navigate the data-driven environment. It clarifies the advantages and drawbacks of dataism and presents methods for utilizing data to promote growth, boost effectiveness, and assure ethical use. This manual is a crucial tool for anyone trying to comprehend how dataism affects management and policy.

Authors and Affiliations

Ioannis Syllaidopoulos


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  • EP ID EP714058
  • DOI 10.47191/ijmra/v6-i3-16
  • Views 73
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How To Cite

Ioannis Syllaidopoulos (2023). Dataism: The rise of a data-driven world? A Guide for Data-Oriented Policy and Management. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis, 6(03), -.