DAVID, NICOLETA – Ţara Zărandului. Studiu de Geografie Regională [The Land of Zărand. Study of Regional Geography], Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, 391 p.
Journal Title: Romanian Review of Regional Studies - Year 2011, Vol 7, Issue 2
Authors and Affiliations
The Resilience of the Geographical Region
This paper relies on the concept of “resilience” understood as “the ability of a system to adapt and persist,” and it uses, for the first time, this feature in the study of the geographical region – a territorial system...
Dissimilitudes of the Technical-Urbanistic Endowment between the Centre and the Outskirts of the Urban of Cluj County
The technical town endowment (drinking and industrial water supplies, sewerage, district heating, natural gas and electric power supplies, telecommunication, access to means of transportation) represents a basic conditio...
The Socio-Economic Development Plan of Romania, 2007-2013 - Context and Premises
Having the role of a preamble in the elaboration of the National Development Plan for Romania for the period 2007-2013, whose sequences will be hosted by the following issues of the review, the paper underlines the econo...
Workshop on Integrated Territorial Analysis, Cluj-Napoca, 21 May 2010
Catching Up or Falling Behind? Economic Convergence and Regional Development Trajectories in Romania
The main aim of the article is to analyse the economic convergence between the NUTS 3 level units (counties) in Romania during a period of intensive economic growth (1999-2011). The main added value of the paper consists...