Debt write-off and the deferred payment and installment arrangement for payment of social security contributions as a State aid
Journal Title: Prawo Budżetowe Państwa i Samorządu - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 2
The subject of the article is a social security contribution debt write-off, a social security contribution deferment and installment arrangement by Social Insurance Fund on a legal basis of Social security system Act as a form of individual State aid. In these cases Polish legislator used the construction of discretion administrative that makes them a potentially State aid measures. The social security debt write-off is possible when the debt is completely irrecoverable or in the particular cases related to the life situation of the debtor. Social security contribution deferment and installment arrangement may have a wider range because of less restrictive criteria for awarding them. The social security debt write-off, the social security contributions deferment and the installment arrangement may be a State aid, but they are used very rarely so they can’t be regarded as an instrument of policy of support entrepreneurs. They are addressed to the special, exceptional situations and they have more humanitarian than economic purpose.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Cilak
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