Deconstructing the Sensible Poetic Voices of the Fragmented in Lewis Edward Scott’s A Woman Called Maasumaa
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 6
Abstract: The present paper applies deconstructive analysis on L. E. Scott’s A Woman Called Maasumaa (1995)*, mainly exploring both thematic and suggestive binary oppositions and signifiers/signifieds. Deconstruction addresses a text as an independent entity and looks into the suggestive structures that formulate the sensible poetic discourse and signify its thematized meanings and ideas. Obviously, deconstruction considers any literary text as an open-ended structure with no center of finite analytic signification. Deconstruction builds its views on Ferdinand de Saussure’s concepts of binary oppositions, signs (signifiers/signifieds), and differance. Consequently, deconstructionist reading of a text approaches its possible explosive meanings. Scott is one of those modern poets who courageously express their own thoughts and ideas with exciting ambivalences, mysteries, and contradictions of human existence. The fragmented self and the cynical voices towards objects and people offer a chance for a deconstructive anatomy of Scott’s Maasumaa. In this light, the current paper thematically explores the structural means composed of signifiers, signifieds, and binary oppositions that signify the poet’s ideas of escapism, fragmentation, solitude, and instability. Keywords: Deconstruction, Signs, Signifiers, Signifieds, Binary Oppositions, Fragmentation, Poetic Sensibility.
Authors and Affiliations
Abdullah H. Kurraz
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