Defence of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights as а Jurisdictional form of Employment Protection
Journal Title: Університетські наукові записки - Year 2016, Vol 15, Issue 3
The article proves that the question of the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen has a significant place in all sectors of government, because it is their most important constitutional duty. Gross violations of economic and social rights are among the main causes of conflict and the lack of a systematic struggle against discrimination and inequality in the enjoyment of those rights may undermine the process of post-conflict reconstruction. The author emphasizes the critical importance of ensuring the personal non-property labour right by courts of general jurisdiction, supervisory authorities, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights. It is stated that proactive successful combating of discrimination ensures respect for the principle of equality, prevents violations of human and other legally guaranteed rights, and indirectly leads to their better observance and protection. The article emphasizes that the use of temporary employment leads to increased inequality and insecurity that undermines prospects for economic development, causing a steady decline in the living standards of employees, which relate to the problem of legislative regulation of relations between employers and employees, and private employment agencies.
Authors and Affiliations
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