Defining and measuring the quality of the capital of the enterprise


The article presents the definition of the category «quality of enterprise capital» as a set of specific characteristics (ability to accumulate, reproduce, convert forms, create a new value), which determine the economic nature of capital. The expediency of determining the content of capital quality based on the unity of the relationship between such aspects of its research as sufficiency and suitability are substantiated. The definition of sufficiency and suitability categories has been made and a set of capital parameters that determine them were formed. The cycle of capital turnover as an economic resource in the expanded format (identification and evaluation of the possibilities of the environment and their transformation into resources, activation of resources, accumulation and reproduction of capital, productive use of resources and their transformation into value added flows) are presented, and taking into account capital research from the point of view prospects of development (not only as a means / sources of the target enterprise activity, but also as opportunities for its development). The basis of the projection is formed, on the basis of which the measure of sufficiency and capital adequacy are carried out, and the characteristics which interact determine such projections are determined). The expediency of introducing the projection of «growth» as the characteristics of the ability of capital to increase the newly created value is argued. Measurement of the quality of capital is proposed to be carried out in accordance with the logic of cost modeling, and for the appropriate methodological basis to adopt the concept of economic profit.

Authors and Affiliations

Оleksii Magdaliuk


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How To Cite

Оleksii Magdaliuk (2018). Defining and measuring the quality of the capital of the enterprise. Стратегія економічного розвитку України, 42(), 217-226.