Definition and composition of the water fund lands of Ukraine
Journal Title: Теорія і практика правознавства - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 9
In theory, generalized and offered a new solution to a scientific problem, which is to establish the characteristics, specificity and content of the legal regime of lands of water fund. Based on the content of theoretical propositions, the results of the study of modern scientific developments, as well as the analysis of the national legislation of Ukraine and international experience in this area, a series of findings that can be both theoretical and practical importance. Abstract background land allocation of water resources as a separate category of land, formulated the doctrinal concept of this category of land, their main purpose, analyzed the legal regulation of these lands to the Ukrainian legislation and proposed changes in the national legislation.
Authors and Affiliations
О. М. Дроваль
Визначення та склад земель водного фонду України
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