Deliberation on Animal Welfare Issues: Religion is the Panace


Nearly all religious traditions of the world depict about autonomous value of all living creatures including non-human beings and significantly placed them in religious sacred books, tract, symbols, myths, rituals, usages and custom.Religious traditions ordained mankind to show enormous compassion towards the plight of all living creatures. As the best creation of the universe human has moral and to some extend legal obligations towards non-human beings. These obligations encompass responsive, rational and amicable treatments. With a view to pursuing animal welfare it should be the prime objectives of mankind to ensure physical and psychological well-being of animals.

Authors and Affiliations

Rowshan Jahan Farhana


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How To Cite

Rowshan Jahan Farhana (2018). Deliberation on Animal Welfare Issues: Religion is the Panace. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 6(12), 56-59.