Demographic Characteristics of Our Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine - Year 2011, Vol 2, Issue 3
Aim Carpal tunnel (CTS) is the most common trap neuropathy but, still fully understood the cause of this and effective factors. In this study was aimed to the evaluation demographic features of the cases with CTS admitted to our electroneuromyography (ENMG) laboratory. Material and Methods In the study, 119 patients with CTS to evaluate our ENMG laboratory were received. All patients age, sex, dominant and affected hand, duration of education, marital status, height, weight, additional diseases, occupational, hand and wrist repetitive motion made, use of computer and smoking status was assessed. Patients’ body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Results 102 cases (85.7%) females, mean age was 46.32 years ± 12: 18. While in 115 (96.6%) cases using the right hand is dominant, in 85 cases (76.6%) with bilateral involvement were at hand. While the rate of patient who between five to eight year duration of education had was 47.1%, 84% patients were married. Also, BMI were determined as 29.33± 3.01. According to the state in 22 patients with additional diseases, diabetes mellitus in 22, hypothyroidism in 4, also 1 patient had arthritis. The majority of our patients (70.6%) housewives formed. The 67.2% rate of repetetive activities as making crafts, the computer usage at a rate of 11.8% had history. The rate of smoking was 19.3%. Conclusions As a result, CTS, especially in middle-aged housewives and obese is a common syndrome. Despite many reasons to be reported in the etiology of idiopathic 85%. At a rate of 25.4% of women in our society is considered paid work, especially in terms of determining the etiology of the more detailed studies are needed to housewives.
Authors and Affiliations
Ebru Umay, Sevgi Polat, Ece Ünlü, Özlem Çelik, Aytül Çakcı
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