Demographic Shift and Elderly Care in Turkey
Journal Title: SGD - SOSYAL GUVENLIK DERGISI - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 2
The goal of this study is the analysis of the current situation of the elderly care in Turkey. Many countries redesign their policies in the scope of value-added targets, like active aging, successful ageing etc. The elderly are aimed to become persons who are self-sufficient and useful both for themselves and their social environment, instead of being passive beneficiaries of formal supports. Turkey, however, still seems away from conducting systematic measures, except for a few ineffective strategy papers and regulations despite of the rapidly increasing elderly population. Existing services and institutions are insufficient to meet the care needs of the elderly and provide them decent lives. Accordingly, Turkey still relies on cultural and traditional protection nets to a great extent in this field. Changing socioeconomic conditions, however, threaten these traditional protection nets. Consequently, in the lack of effective formal measures, the elderly are expected to adapt themselves to changing conditions and redefine their roles in families and society. Therefore, governments need to enhance the quality of existing services in order to improve the health and living conditions of the elderly.
Authors and Affiliations
Doğa Başar Sarıipek
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