Deniz Taktik İşaretlerinin Yazılı İlk Kaynağı
Journal Title: GÜVENLİK STRATEJİLERİ DERGİSİ - Year 2019, Vol 15, Issue 31
Effective, fast, and reliable communication provides a great contribution in a battle or conflict. The tactics used in naval wars determine the basis of communication. Considering the historical process in forms and vehicles of the naval wars, the importance of the communication between the admirals and the captains has always been high, so there has always been a new search for effective solution. From the researched/known archive information point of view, the war instruction issued by Captain James Dolfin for the Venetian fleet on September 9, 1365 was a first in this regard and was the ancestor of today's practices. This instruction, which was prepared in Latin and in the Venetian dialect, was first translated into Italian and later into English. Considering the maritime language used in the content of this directive, it is important that the translations were made by naval officers, thus increasing the reliability of the information. This study was carried out in order to present historical information on the related subject to the tacticians and planners in Turkish Naval Forces.
Authors and Affiliations
Derya Şerif Yarkın, Gökhan Atmaca
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