Дэпартаваныя са шляхецкіх ваколіцаў ў «аддаляныя губерні Расіі» падчас Студзенскага паўстання 1863–1864 гг.
Journal Title: Przegląd Środkowo-Wschodni - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue
The author talks about the deportation of the population and the burning of the gentry outskirts of Grodno province for participating in the uprising of 1863–1864. (Old Style date): Szczuky Grodno district (burned 24–25.07.1863 g, 15 families); Yavorovka Belastokski district (18.08.1863, 14 families); Penyashki Pruzhany district (08.09.1863, 40 persons.); Bulb county Belsky (20.09.1863, at 42 families); Prushanka- Baranka Belsky district (24.05.1864, at 11 families). Thus performed “Muravyova system”. Burning nobiliary outskirts of deportation and residents were to decide the next and perspective tasks. Initially intimidated gentry and detach it from the rebel movement and thereby extinguish the uprising. And the future of the gentry save land, property – undermining economic position that it does not fund future muggle revolt. In the gentry land it was planned to have a Russian landowners in order to strengthen the “Russian element” in the “Western Region”.
Authors and Affiliations
Вячаслаў Швед
Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej „Д. С. Мережковский: литератор, религиозный философ, социальный экспериментатор (Warszawa 21–23 kwietnia 2016)
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