Dependency of primary metabolites production and their variability against climatic factors in Blepharis sindica T. Anders: a vulnerable medicinal plant from the indian arid zone
Journal Title: Journal of Research in Biology - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 1
The present paper deals with the quantitative production and pattern of variation in various primary metabolites of Blepharis sindica T. Anders (Acanthaceae) during different months of evaluation in response to prevailing environmental conditions. The metabolites, viz. leaf pigments (chl. a, chl. b and carotenoids), proline, sugars (soluble, insoluble and total), crude protein and phosphorus contents varied significantly according to different growth phases of the plants. The amount of water in and out of the plant body strongly influenced the biosynthesis rate of these metabolites primarily, whereas the growth stage and temperature affects were found secondarily. Higher values for accumulated proline, carotenoids and phosphorus contents were observed during the end of growing season, i.e. December; while chlorophylls (chl. a, b and total) during middle of season, i.e. August to October. Total sugars and crude protein values were highest during July with a clear negative correlation having proline accumulation
Authors and Affiliations
Purushottam Lal, Sher Mohammed, Pawan K Kasera
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