Depression in patients with cancer. Diagnosis and treatment in clinical practice
Journal Title: OncoReview - Year 2012, Vol 2, Issue 3
Comorbidity between depression and cancer is a common condition. It depends on many variables such as cancer location or phase of the illness, but as a rule this situation should not be neglected. The reasons for providing diagnosis and treatment in patients with cancer and depression are to diminish suffering of the ill person and to improve the outcome of the treatment. It is known based on scientific literature that the rates of mortality are higher in patients with both cancer and depression. Depression has negative effect on patients adherence to diagnostic and therapeutical procedures. Complains of depressed patients can have detrimental effect on professional satisfaction of oncologist. Another important reason for diagnosing patients with depression are higher economical burden of this group of patients caused by this condition to the health system. The paper presents data about the incidence of depression in cancer patients, the diagnostic criteria of depression and basic information about its pharmacological treatment.
Authors and Affiliations
Sławomir Murawawiec
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