Depression: Review article

Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 5


To prove the post-natal depression model, the antidepressant sertraline, was assessed in rat mothers (n=14) divided into Prenatally Stressed (PS) and Non-Stressed (NS) groups. The data failed to support the hypothesis that ‘the progeny of 10mg of sertraline-treated PS mothers displayed less anxiety than the progeny of vehicle-treated PS mothers’. The forced swim test (FST) was used to examine depressive-like behaviour in mice. Barley successfully increased mobility in mice exposed to the FST. Barley was antidepressant at low doses (0.8g/kg and upwards) if used subchronic; and at high doses (6.4g/kg and 12.8g/kg) if used acutely; (n=113, 56 acute, 57 subchronic- treated). Barley (6.4g/kg) was also able to alleviate the depressive-behaviour in mice induced by the Reserpine Test (n=114, 58 reserpinised, 56 non-reserpinised) and Social ‘Defeat’ Test (n=24, 8 vehicle undefeated, 8 barley defeated, 8 vehicle defeated mice). To confirm that the anti-depressant effects of barley(6.4g/kg) were not simply due to increased locomotor activity in the FST, an Open Field Test(OFT) was undertaken (n=14,7 vehicle, 7 barley). Barley had no effect on locomotor activity and also caused no significant changes in weight (n=16; 8 vehicle, 8 barley). In mice, Barley (6.4 g/kg) significantly delayed the tremorogenic effects of Physostigmine (n=18, 6 control, 6 Physostigmine, 6 Physostigmine with barley); reduced bradykinesia induced by reserpine (n=18, 6 control, 6 vehicle, 6 barley treated); and was analgesic in nociception tests (n =20, 5 control, 5 barley, 5 pain, 5 pain with barley). Overall, barley was seen to have many useful properties, though its effect in PND remains to be assessed.

Authors and Affiliations

Mohammed Abdulrhman Alminggash, AbdulAziz AlHedethe, Abdullah Ali Alateeq, Majed Mohammed Alrobian


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  • EP ID EP537175
  • DOI 10.21276/ijmrp.2018.4.5.065
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How To Cite

Mohammed Abdulrhman Alminggash, AbdulAziz AlHedethe, Abdullah Ali Alateeq, Majed Mohammed Alrobian (2018). Depression: Review article. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals, 4(5), 286-289.